FOR SALE ’78-’79 Cordoba Fenders

One brand new Passenger Front fender $250.00 OBO and one rust free used 300 Passenger Front fender in real good condition $200.00 OBO. We are…

Lost Art

This is an amazing demonstration of skill.

Chris: On your way home from Albertson’s later…

Stop by and pick up for me this intriguing lil morsel:

71 B-body tail light buckets

I for sale a set of 71 B-body tail light buckets only, no lens or wiring. $20 plus shipping. Located in the Toronto area.


Starting today, and over the next week — this web site will be moving onto a newer/faster server hoteled in a different building. The new server has…

A c-body in hollywood

Thought you all might enjoy hearing about a little adventure I had last week with my ’67 Monaco…

A month or two ago, my wife saw a casting call…

NOS Challenger fender

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