Jonesboro Arkansas mini ice age Great day today

I have not posted on this great site in some time. (These forum sites are only as good as the members). Today I have a holiday off with pay. Presidents Day.
Lot of people to celebrate dead and alive. So Cheers to them.

Oh the ice age here. Lasting about 3-4 days. Oh, that is only ICE not time without electricity.

We all have a normal routine. My normal was not filling up a 3 gallon bucket and pouring into the water tanks (3) of toilets. 3 to 4 times a day for 6 days.
No need for a membership at the local gym.
I was the hero for this so I gladly did it with a smile. (I named myself "Toilet waterman").
I did not mind cooking on the BBQ grill. Also charcoal really heats water fairly quickly to!
All is good now.
Thought I would also throw in some pictures for all.

Have a great Day all!


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Author: admin